#15 - Don't get distracted
#16 - Divine potential
#17 - End of a God-ordained vision is God
#18 - Maintaining a vision, adhere to core beliefs and behaviors
#19 - Visions requires constant attention
#20 - Bold leaders to maintain a vision
- Ezra and Nehemiah by Derek Kidner
- Word Biblical Commentary Ezra-Nehemiah by H. G. M. Williamson
- The New International Commentary on the Old Testament by The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah by F. Charles Fensham
- Nehemiah: Man in Charge by Donal K. Campbell
- Victorious Christian Service Studies on the Book of Nehemiah by Alan Redpath
- Wiersbe’s Expository Outline on the Old Testament by Warren W. Wiersbe
- Visioneering by Andy Stanley
- Believer’s Bible Commentary by William MacDonald