What can I expect?

Our Sunday morning service is approximately 1.5 hours long in a casual environment.  We are a family church that represents all age groups from many babies through to seniors, who enjoy being together. 

During service time at 10:30 am we offer a nursery, Children's Church with childcare (ages 3-Grade 1), and a Grade 2 & 3 Class, as well as activity boxes for older children that stay in the service. Most weeks we have a mix of contemporary worship music along with some traditional songs. Many Sundays following service we have a coffee hour or potluck meal in the gym that everyone is welcome to attend. 

What classes are available on Sunday for me? For my children?

Adult Bible Study

Youth Bible Study

These classes occur at various places around the church, please don't be shy to ask someone where to go! If you don't wish to attend a class, join us for coffee in the foyer.

How can I get connected?

You can call the office at 403-783-5533 or email fbc_office@fbcponoka.org. Please feel free to contact Transitional Pastor Todd, as well as any of our Elders or Deacons with any questions you may have. We also have Welcome cards that you may fill out so we can have your email at least and add you to our email list.