Our Children's Church is for busy ones ages 3- Kindergarten.
Located in the gym, we have a large bright room waiting for those who love to play and create. Children's Church begins part way through our morning service after you have been able to worship through song as a family. Please sign-in your children and have the same person sign-out your child at pickup time.
In SonShine Children's Church, children have a great time singing songs, watching skits, creating Bible story crafts, listening to and viewing Bible stories, memorizing Bible verses, pariticipating in object lessons/science experiments, and playing fun games. Each lesson is reinforced through a "Bible Point" which applies the lesson to a child's life. Our Children's Church volunteer leaders and Teen Ministry Assistants (TMAs) speak Jesus into your little ones lives, with curriculum or programming designed around a theme or aligning with Sermon Series. We highly encourage preschool children to come at 9:30 am for our Bible Discovery Hour learning time, as well.
We have dedicated caregivers who each have gone through a “Plan To Protect” training seminar, undergo an RCMP check, and filled out a volunteer application form.